MaximumRocknRoll reviews Drain-O re-issue

Sixteen years after it’s release, MaximumRocknRoll has reviewed Sivle Si Dog’s Drain-O EP. In part, here is what they say:

“First song is awesome and got me goin’ in a good ANTISEEN hate groove, then the other two on that side got way boring. Side B is better. Reminds me of a lot of bands seen at the Kennel Club, I-Beam and Chameleon in the late ’80s and early ’90s like PLAINFIELD, GROTUS, SURGERY, etc. A little dated but worth a listen.”

I can live with that. If you want to check it out for yourself, Drain-O (and the superiorRoom 30) is available under the RELEASES tab above.

Also, I finally got some MP3 files up for Drain-o and Room 30. I’ll try to get at least one file up for all future releases.